• “Im loving the tapping for reduced stress! I feel So calm afterwards. I also did sleep track last night, and slept a solid 6 hours straight which is really good for me atm. I’d love to ask you also,what are your thoughts on hot chocolate from this perspective? As I understand it is warming?…and a popular alternative to coffee for many.”

  • “Hi Kelly, New mumma here to a 7 month old breastfed baby with a milk alllergy. What calcium rich foods can your recommend for me to have please to keep my calcium levels up? Also do you have any pudding or snack recipes at all please? With love from an English chocoholic x

    Ps. the tapping I started yesterday and already seeing results and find its so calming :)”

  • “Hello ❤ I've been doing the daily exercises + tapping for 2 days now and cannot believe the difference in how I feel. Thank you Kelly, i’m really looking forward to seeing what unfolds over the next few weeks. In regards to the low cortisol diet - can I ask, is milk not advised due to its cooling properties? Are any animal products advised on the low cortisol diet?”

  • “I just want to say thank you. I’m 25 and look so bad for my age and really needed help and came across your page, I appreciate you so much”

  • “Absolutely loving all of your wisdom about your skin!!”

  • “Yesss I feel this too. Thank you for using your platform share this imperative knowledge. I’m also learning so many things and my cells are feeling years young”

  • “Glowing. Well good news… I was making my daily mixture for my face…my husband was like what in the world is that?? I was like ‘all natural lotion for my face’ He said… ‘well whatever it is… it must be working because you have been glowing lately’ This is amazing because I don’t think he has ever said I’m GLOWING! Obviously it’s that with the food and tea and SLEEP being a priority!! And exercises all together! I enjoyed the latest video. It will really be nice addition to the snow fungus soup. Just wanted to tell you the good news!!!

  • “Hello Kelly, I just wanted to give you an update as I do the tapping exercises I am feeling more confident and pretty. This entire course has given me Hope and a Positive expectation for my future”

  • “Been saying this for over 20 years as a skin specialist. some people think I’m crazy but its the best thing you can do for the skin!”

  • “Oh yes. I put aside all my high end beauty lotions and firming serums, eye creams… ugh.. so much money wasted (I say set aside I saved them just in case. But haven’t reached for them since!!)

  • "I wanted to prolong a face lift. But the food changes are an extra bonus for my BODY and I am feeling more energized and spunky along with the glowing skin"

  • "Thank you thank you! I love the update with photos and recipes (with measurements). I have my black sesame ordered. I made the magic soup yesterday (sooooo gooooood!!!!) And at work today I have my white fungus I made with pear since I didn't have dates yet and my magic soup!! My tummy is sooooo happy. So is my soul. I've always had a desire to eat healthy... this has given me the direction I needed! Thank you. Can't wait to try more recipes soon!!"

  • "New Dr Interview!!! Thank you for making all this "priceless" information available to us in the community I feel so fortunate to be a part of this learning process. Thank you for continually adding more recipes and tips and information"

  • "And I am going to aim for 10 years younger. I started receiving compliments today!! One from my husband.. that I look terrific and one from a coworker that my skin looks soft!! And I've just begun this journey. Beyond happy to continue learning and applying more!!"

  • "I am blown away how you have connected my emotions, i.e., anger and fear to my facial expressions. They have been aging me! Now you have identified this and show me how to clear it's a revelation. 5 years younger after only one exercise"

  • "I'm getting results with your system as well. And I feel confident if it was something needed you would know! That's the beauty of having all you experience to learn from. By the way I am walking more and talking to the birds and nature. It's very healing and refreshing"

  • "Thanks for replying to my inquiry. Love how interesting this is & have been incorporating this into my a.m routine & liking how I as feeling so far. Wanting to try your recipes soon. Thank you for sharing this with so many women."

  • "Hi there! There is so much information included in the course - thank you for creating it."

  • "My body seems to be changing in a more youthful direction - more toned, more lifted, more firm. Energy level overall is better, and I wake up feeling refreshed and happy - loving this!"

  • "It's working! I have not used ANY of my expensive beauty creams since I started this journey I use olive oil soap now. And the oils you suggested (I add a little rose hip oil as well) and my husband does not know I'm doing this "age reversal techniques" and he little woke up and said you look like your getting younger!!! Also I REALLY enjoy white fungus soup!! Just wanted to share the good news"

  • "I was skeptical at first. I did this for 3 days and could feel significant decrease in pain and uplifted my mood. Thank you Genki girl. Can I do this twice a day? Just before sleep?"

  • "My insides really "lit up" when you mentioned listening to music from my happiest times!!"

