This was better than any oil, moisturizer, or lotion…

And it may be hard to believe because it’s so unusual…

But the weird ingredient that made my skin go from dry and dull to a dewy glow?

Snow fungus

Would you try it?

Specifically, snow fungus soup

While it may seem bizarre…

It hydrated my skin more than anything I’ve tried in over a decade.

When my skin prematurely aged when working as a beauty model in Japan my traditional medicine doctor told me it was a MUST

I noticed a HUGE difference in just a week of eating it.

And you’ll be shocked…

It can hold up to 500x its weight in water…

Plus, it’s FULL of plant collagen…

Which is how it leaves your skin soft and gives a youthful glow

But that’s only part of the equation to reversing your skin’s age…

3 Tips for you to REVERSE YOUR AGE NOW

1. Don’t drink any juice

2. Eat warm soup before every meal

3. Remove makeup with love, care, and thanks [not roughness]

About Kelly Prehn

Kelly moved to Japan at 17 years old and has spent significant periods of her career in Asia, including Japan, Korea, China and Singapore. Her work as an acclaimed fashion model is blended with her impact as a columnist and author. During her modelling career, Kelly fled from being internationally human trafficked. To transform from this, she focused on Asian healing modalities. With 1.4 million transformed women and tens of millions more women helped by 3 Step System to Reverse Your Age in GENKI SYSTEM™, she is a multi dimensional women.


“Kelly Created a Life Changing Method”


“Kelly Is A Pop Culture Role Model”


Turn back time? ⏳


That’s making plastic surgeons nervous 😱