The Secret You Need To Know↓

The Japanese have a different way of seeing beauty

They believe in the power of nature

The cycle of life

The seasons of time

And that each moment has a unique magic

Right now, you are a walking piece of art

Your face is a reflection of your emotion

I learned to clear my face of those ‘bad’ — at least ‘unwanted’ emotions

And this aged me backwards

Imagine how you would look if the anger, fear, frustration, disappointment were banished from your face

You would look even more beautiful

You would become who you really are

About Kelly Prehn

Kelly moved to Japan at 17 years old and has spent significant periods of her career in Asia, including Japan, Korea, China and Singapore. Her work as an acclaimed fashion model is blended with her impact as a columnist and author. During her modelling career, Kelly fled from being internationally human trafficked. To transform from this, she focused on Asian healing modalities. With 1.4 million transformed women and tens of millions more women helped by 3 Step System to Reverse Your Age in GENKI SYSTEM™, she is a multi dimensional women.


“Kelly Created a Life Changing Method”


“Kelly Is A Pop Culture Role Model”




You need to know ↓