↓ Steal these habits

My eating habits make my skin GLOW, with zero makeup.

This is unimaginable compared to my sad, dry, red, spotty skin before.

It took me a long time working as a Beauty Model, then Columnist, then Author, in Asia [mostly Korea, Japan] to discover and adopt these habits.

However, I don’t believe in gatekeeping, so I’m sharing my secrets with you.

(Number 8 is the most powerful)

1- Starting my day with drinking carbon-filtered WARM water and staying hydrated throughout the day.

2- Eating home-cooked foods. Then I know the ingredients are healthy and organic.

3- Drinking ZERO coffee. Caffeine can dehydrate skin, leading to a dull complexion and dryness. I feel it damages the gut and slows healing.

4- Only cooking with olive oil and coconut oil. No vegetable oils or GMO like corn. They are inflammatory and my blood tests showed stressed and sticky cells after eating them.

5- Eating 4 or 5 times per day. Small portions that make me feel happy. I never eat until totally full. This helps my body stay calm and process peacefully.

6- Saying no to sugar at least 80% of the time! Sugar leads to skin inflammation, which leads to deterioration. It’s not worth it.

7- Eating after exercise. Not before. It’s all about being kind to the body so it can do its job well.

8- Regulating my nervous system before meals. I do GENKI SYSTEM to reduce stress and cortisol, which slows cell turnover and accelerates aging.

About Kelly Prehn

Kelly moved to Japan at 17 years old and has spent significant periods of her career in Asia, including Japan, Korea, China and Singapore. Her work as an acclaimed fashion model is blended with her impact as a columnist and author. During her modelling career, Kelly fled from being internationally human trafficked. To transform from this, she focused on Asian healing modalities. With 1.4 million transformed women and tens of millions more women helped by 3 Step System to Reverse Your Age in GENKI SYSTEM™, she is a multi dimensional women.


“Kelly Created a Life Changing Method”


“Kelly Is A Pop Culture Role Model”
